A little bit of history about Bertarelli – Ferraris
The Istituto Istruzione Superiore “Bertarelli – Ferraris” has been one of the biggest vocational school for tourism in Lombardy for over 50 years. Located in the Centre of Milano it offers: a 5-year school-programs ending with a diploma in Business Management, Financial and Marketing Services as well as Chemistry, Biology, Electronics and Mechanical instruction. Our school also offer courses in Tourism based on a 3-year qualifications scheme (certification EQF - European Qualifications Framework) such as tourism promotion, hospitality, and accounting. Our students, aged 14-22, can attend day or evening courses, where e-learning is a part of the curriculum.
In most of the classes we can have pupils with diverse immigration background (they come from 53 different countries) and students with special needs. In particular the NAI (the newcomers to Italy) are given support by attending classes in Italian as a second language. We also have a help desk for psychological support and health promotion.
Our school operates throughout the Region of Lombardy and can benefit of numerous marketing tutors and business consultants. We offer on–the –job training at various tour- operators, travel agencies as well as at the front desk and back office (booking and accounting) training at world renowned international hotel chains and at well-established Italian firms.